Fiction is fun, but don't mess with the history

Friday, October 6, 2017

Helenic Traders series (2002-2015), by H. N. Turteltaub

Until recently better known to me as the science fiction writer Harry Turtledove, H. N. Turteltaub (one of several pen names) is a fine historical novelist. In the four-book Hellenic Traders series, two cousins from the isle of Rhodes sail (and row) the Mediterranean in pursuit of trading profit, finding adventure and meeting many people both famous and infamous.

1. Over the Wine Dark Sea (2002). Set in the year 310 BC, cousins Menedemos (captain) and Sostratos (supercargo) embark from Rhodes with a hold full of luxury goods, including a troublesome but rare and therefore valuable peacock and several hens. Menedemos, though not a scholar, loves to quote from Homer - hence the novel's title. Menedemos is also the more amorous of the two, with a particular weakness for other men's wives.

Quieter and more introspective, Sostratos has studied in Athens at the feet of successors to Aristotle, and loves to confound his more traditional cousin with "scientific" ideas. Dialogues between the two give Turteltaub opportunities for exposition on ancient Greek philosophers and historians.

Those were perilous times for traders, with warfare between two or more of the generals (collectively known to scholars as the Diodochi) who had divided the extensive empire of the departed (323 BC) Alexander the Great. Even more dangerous for sea traders, the general disorder had allowed pirates to flourish all over the eastern Mediterranean. The traders discover that things are no better in the west, when they reach the Bay of Naples just in time to be attacked by part of a Roman flotilla on its way to raid Samnite-held Pompeii. Deciding, after a perilous escape, against proceeding farther north, the cousins head back south to go back around the horn of Italy - just in time to become embroiled in the siege of Syracuse (Sicily) by Carthage, in the Third Sicilian War.

2. The Gryphon's Skull (2002).  In the following sailing season, spring of 309 BC, the cousins set out again from Rhodes, with a new cargo of Rhodian perfume, silk from Cos, wine from Chios, and Palestinian balsam obtained from Phoenician traders. Soon added to the normal trade goods is something Sostratos finds irresistible - the fossilized skull of a horned dinosaur. Having no knowledge of either dinosaurs or fossilization, Sostratos theorizes that the skull might have belonged to the legendary Gryphon. Since no one has seen such a thing, Sostratos resolves to take the skull to Athens, to hear what the great philosophers think of it.

War, in this year between Diodochi rivals Antigonus and Ptolemy, again adds danger to the voyage, along with the ever-present pirates. Circumstances conspire to prevent the traders from reaching Athens, but the resourceful cousins still survive several scrapes and still manage to return home with a tidy profit.

3. The Sacred Land (2003). Dealings and conversations with a Phoenician trader living in Rhodes convince the cousins that their next trading voyage should head south and east to trade with the Phoenicians at their home port city of Sidon. Sostratus prepares by learning some of the Aramaic language spoken in that country. Once there, Menedemos trades in the local markets of Sidon while Sostratos mounts an overland expedition to the territory of the mysterious and insular Ioudaians (Judeans), to trade for rare and expensive balsam. The journey leads to Jerusalem and on to Engedi, an oasis at the southern end of the Dead Sea, where the best balsam is grown and processed. Adventures ensue, and readers are introduced to another corner of the ancient Greek world.

4. Owls to Athens (2015). The title is the ancient Greek equivalent of "coal to Newcastle" or "ice to Eskimos". Also, a bit of a pun - the coins minted in Athens at that time featured the image of an owl. In this fourth sailing season of the series, the cousins finally reach Athens, where Sostratos studied philosophy for a time before economics required him to return to Rhodes and take his place in the family trading business. Most of this novel takes place in Athens, where the cousins witness a sudden and nearly bloodless invasion by the forces of Antigonos, who seize the ancient city from the rival general Cassander. Once again, the cousins navigate the perilous times and return successfully to Rhodes with a cargo of silver profits.

Expecting more entries in this series, possibly culminating with the 305-304 BC siege of Rhodes. All 4s and 5s in the '5 criteria' so far.

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